Sex Crime Defense Attorney in Dallas

Sex Crime Defense Attorney in Dallas

Have you been charged with a sex crime? A lesser offense, like a Class B misdemeanor, can carry serious penalties, including fines and jail time. Plus, once you’ve paid your dues, you could still be registered as a sex offender. This status can affect your career opportunities, where you can live, and even your dating prospects.

If you’ve been arrested for a sex crime, you need the right legal advice to protect your rights. We can help. Contact Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter today at (214) 845-7007 for a confidential consultation with an experienced Dallas sex crimes lawyer.

Main Office 3300 Oak Lawn Ave UNIT 701, Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 845-7007
Table Of Contents

    Types of Sex Crimes

    There are a number of different sex crime charges that individuals may face, all of them extremely serious and requiring fast, effective legal attention. When facing the following charges, it is highly advised to seek the help of a qualified and capable defense team.

    When You’ve Been Charged with a Sex Crime

    Sex crimes are among the most notorious types of offenses, and Texas courts take a hard line against people charged with sexually-based offenses. Not only could you be going to jail, but you could also face a devastating loss of reputation in your community.

    There’s no reason to risk your freedom, livelihood, home, or relationships by navigating the Texas criminal justice system alone. The police and prosecutors are not on your side, and the system can be overwhelming for many people. A Dallas sex crimes defense lawyer can help ensure that your rights are protected, demand fair treatment for you, and work to get the charges reduced or dismissed.

    Why Choose Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter For Your Sex Crimes Lawyer in Dallas?

    With your future on the line, you need the right Dallas criminal defense lawyer. The legal team at Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter has an impressive track record of courtroom victories for people charged with even the most serious crimes.

    Firm leader Mark T. Lassiter, J.D., has a deep knowledge of Texas criminal law. He’s spent time on both sides of the aisle, working as a prosecutor for the Dallas County District Attorney’s office before opening Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter. His tough, tenacious, and compassionate approach to defending clients has earned him honors and accolades, such as being listed in the Who’s Who of America. He’s also been recognized as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers Association.

    What Should You Do After Being Charged with a Sex Crime?

    If you’ve been arrested in connection with a sex crime, you might have been taken to the Dallas County Jail, located near Reunion Tower downtown. Nearby are several bail bondsman offices, so your friends or family may be able to get you released as you await trial. Not every bondsman is on the up-and-up, though. The Dallas County Bail Bonds Board has a list of licensed bondsmen in the Metroplex.

    After an arrest, you’re guaranteed the right to have an attorney represent you. Your 6th Amendment right to counsel entitles you to a lawyer. You don’t have to answer police questions until a lawyer is present. It’s usually in your best interest to wait until you have legal counsel before answering questions, even if you know you didn’t do it.

    Your next steps will likely depend on your Dallas defense lawyer’s advice, so listen closely. You may be advised to do the following:

    • Don’t talk about your arrest or charge, and don’t post on social media
    • Don’t try to contact the accuser
    • Don’t’ answer police questions without your attorney
    • Don’t agree to a search unless your lawyer tells you must. This includes refusing to allow police to collect your DNA.

    Sex crimes are serious, and at Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter, we take all these charges seriously. Our legal team is dedicated to providing our best efforts on your behalf.

    How a Sex Crimes Attorney in Dallas Can Help You

    The circumstances of a sex crime in Texas may affect how your lawyer constructs your defense. Sometimes, there’s not much evidence, or it could be a case of your word against another person’s. In other cases, you may have been misidentified or gotten into trouble through no fault of your own.

    As your Dallas criminal defense lawyers, we can help in some of the following ways:

    • We can investigate the incident independently to understand the situation better.
    • We can depose witnesses, questioning them under oath about anything they may have seen or heard.
    • We can look at the character of your accuser. Perhaps someone has an agenda against you and made false accusations. We may uncover information you were unaware of.
    • We can evaluate the details of any arrest or search and seizure by police. Were your rights violated? Were you the victim of an unlawful search or arrest? This could call into question some of the evidence against you.
    • We’ll work with the prosecutor for a plea deal so you may have a less serious penalty.
    • We’ll defend your rights and fight for you in court.

    You have civil rights after being arrested for a sex crime, and we can help ensure that they’re protected.

    Penalties for Sex Crime Convictions

    The penalty you face will depend on various circumstances of the sex crime charge against you, such as:

    • The age of the victim
    • Your age
    • The sexual act that occurred
    • Your relationship with the victim
    • Prior sex crime convictions

    Examples of misdemeanor sexual offenses include:

    • Indecent exposure
    • Prostitution
    • Solicitation of prostitution
    • Harassment
    • Sexting by a minor

    The penalties for misdemeanor sex crime convictions are:

    • Class A misdemeanor: A maximum of one year in jail and $4,000 in fines.
    • Class B misdemeanor: Up to 180 days in jail and a maximum of a $2,000 fine.
    • Class C misdemeanor: Up to $500 in fines.

    Examples of felony sexual offenses include:

    • Sexual assault
    • Aggravated sexual assault
    • Indecency with a child
    • Sex trafficking
    • Indecent contact with a child
    • Possession of child pornography

    The penalties for felony sex crime convictions are:

    • First-degree: Between 5 and 99 years or life in prison and a maximum of $10,000 in fines.
    • Second-degree: A minimum of 2 years, a maximum of 20 years in prison, and up to $10,000 in fines.
    • Third-degree: 2 to 10 years in prison and a maximum of a $10,000 fine.
    • State jail felony: A minimum of 180 days and a maximum of 2 years in state jail with $10,000 in fines.

    If you get released from jail or prison, you have to register as a sex offender with the Texas Sex Offender Registry. It might be difficult for you to find a job because most people don’t want to employ a convicted sex offender. You’re also not allowed to own a firearm, vote, or run for public office. If you want to return to school, your conviction could prevent you from college admission or applying for grants if you get accepted.

    Sex Crime Defense Attorney in Dallas

    Speak with a Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer in Dallas Today

    If you stand accused of a sex crime, you do not have to accept the charges against you and the damage they will do to your freedom and your reputation in the community. Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter is here to help you. With a former prosecutor and “Top 100 Trial Lawyer” on your side, you can prove to a jury, the court, and society that you are not guilty of the charges levied against you. Why trust your case to an inexperienced Dallas sex crimes attorney when you can have Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter on your side, fighting on your behalf? Let the experienced legal team at the Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter help you prepare a strong and aggressive defense. Locate our office on Google Maps and check out our reviews to see why clients recommend us. Call us today at (214) 845-7007 to protect your freedom and fight these charges against you.

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