Juvenile Theft Crimes Lawyer in Dallas

Juvenile Theft Crimes Lawyer in Dallas

Although modeled on the adult criminal justice system, the Texas juvenile justice system has elements that make it unique and perhaps not as daunting. Some juvenile offenders don’t take the juvenile justice system seriously and fail to realize that the consequences of being convicted of a juvenile crime can have a long-lasting impact on their lives.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, juvenile theft is one of the most common forms of delinquent behavior in young people. Most children and teens will steal at least once before entering adulthood. Unfortunately, some juveniles view theft almost as a rite of passage. However, that is not how Texas law looks at the criminal offense.

At The Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter, we know that young people are still learning and are vulnerable to peer pressure and experimentation. Our goal is to help juvenile offenders navigate the juvenile justice system, learn from their mistakes, and minimize the impact an offense can have on their future. If your child has been accused of theft, call our Dallas juvenile crimes attorneys at (214) 845-7007 to set up a confidential legal consultation.

Main Office 3300 Oak Lawn Ave UNIT 701, Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 845-7007
Table Of Contents

    What Is Theft?

    dallas juvenile theft crimes lawyersTexas law defines theft as the unlawful taking of another person’s property with the express intent to deprive the person of their ownership. The term theft is often used interchangeably with burglary, but these are two distinct legal concepts. Burglary is the act of entering a private residence or other structure with the intent to commit a crime.

    Taking anything without permission can potentially be considered theft. However, the charges a juvenile may face for theft will depend on the value of the property taken. Taking a friend’s jacket will generally be viewed differently than taking a classmate’s brand-new smartphone because there is a significant disparity in the dollar amount of the items.

    Penalties for Juvenile Theft

    Many juvenile cases in the Texas juvenile system are handled with a delinquency petition and an adjunct hearing. During the hearing, a judge will review the evidence and determine whether the juvenile committed the crime. Unlike in adult cases, there is no guilty or not guilty ruling. The judge decides whether it is true or not true that the juvenile engaged in delinquent conduct. If the judge decides a crime has been committed, they can impose a sentence on the juvenile, which may include:

    If the court determines that the juvenile’s conduct involved a felony offense, the court has the option to commit the juvenile to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department or to transfer them to adult criminal court.

    The specific penalty a juvenile may face for theft will depend on the value of the merchandise. If the item or items taken without permission are under $2,500 in value, a juvenile will typically be facing misdemeanor theft charges. However, taking items worth more than $2,500 in value will likely result in a felony charge. Felony theft charges can range from a state jail felony charge up to a first-degree felony charge. A conviction for a first-degree felony can result in up to 40 years in custody.

    Does Your Child Need a Dallas Juvenile Theft Attorney?

    Yes. Theft charges can result in significant penalties and must be taken seriously. Juvenile offenders may be putting their future at risk and find themselves denied opportunities later in life because of a youthful error in judgment. It is a mistake that many parents make, assuming that because it is juvenile court, the penalties are insignificant, and a conviction results in no more than a slap on the wrist. Nothing could be further from the truth. A juvenile conviction can be significant and lead to long-lasting consequences for you and your child.

    You must seek help from an experienced Dallas juvenile theft attorney who knows their way around the Texas juvenile justice system. An attorney can review what’s at stake and help you and your child fight the theft charges against them. We work hard to achieve the most favorable result possible for your child and will protect their rights. Yes, juveniles have rights, and those rights deserve to be protected.

    A juvenile conviction can change the trajectory of your child’s life. However, effective legal representation from an experienced juvenile theft defense attorney can do the same. That is why you need to consult with a Texas juvenile crimes lawyer as soon as possible.

    Why Hire The Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter to Handle Your Child’s Theft Case?

    dallas juvenile theft crimes lawyersThe legal team at The Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter has extensive knowledge of the Texas juvenile justice system. Although many people view the juvenile justice system as a “scare tactic for kids,” it is a Texas institution that takes juvenile crimes very seriously. Navigating the system unprepared, without support, and without a plan can be potentially life-altering for your child.

    At The Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter, we are committed to helping your family understand the juvenile justice system, what’s at stake, and how we can help you manage your situation. We have a wealth of legal experience and the resources it takes to help you reach the most positive outcome possible.

    Mark T. Lassiter, J.D., has been recognized by Texas Super Lawyers and is listed in the Who’s Who of America. He is also listed as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers. Trust Mark Lassiter and his team to defend your child and fight the charges against them.

    Contact a Dallas Juvenile Theft Criminal Defense Attorney

    Being charged with theft can be frightening for you and your child. The legal team at The Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter can offer your family the support and guidance you need to manage this trying time. Your child deserves effective legal representation and a chance at a bright future.

    A juvenile theft charge doesn’t have to impact your child for the rest of their life. You can fight back. Act now and protect your child’s legal rights. Call the Dallas office of The Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter at (214) 845-7007 to talk to an experienced juvenile theft criminal defense lawyer.

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