Dallas Juvenile Drug Offense Attorney

Drug offenses are aggressively pursued against Dallas juveniles and adults alike. A drug conviction can be particularly detrimental to a young person’s future, such as by impacting their ability to be accepted into colleges, gain employment, or secure that first apartment. With so much at stake, it is critical that legal representation is secured for the accused as early on in the legal process as possible. The Dallas juvenile drug offense lawyers at the Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter are committed to protecting the rights of Dallas youth from the consequences of any potential drug-related convictions.

If your son or daughter was arrested on drug-related charges, our experienced Dallas legal team will work with you to challenge each and every aspect of that arrest in an effort to either reduce or altogether eliminate any charges against your child.

This can be an incredibly trying time for your family and we want you to know that you don’t have to go through it alone. Take the first step today and protect your child’s future by calling us at (214) 845-7007 to schedule a free consultation.

Main Office 3300 Oak Lawn Ave UNIT 701, Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 845-7007

Why You Need an Attorney

As a parent, you have to be there for your child in their times of need. This is especially true if they’ve been charged with a juvenile drug offense. In some cases, being there means knowing when to relinquish control and put your child’s future in the hands of a professional.

And while you may question what went wrong or what you may have done to cause your child to act this way, there’s only one thing to worry about in this instance: hiring a skilled juvenile offense lawyer who can represent your child’s best interests and ensure they have the best chance possible to avoid detention.

It’s a common misconception that because your child is a minor and not being charged with an adult crime that the system is more lenient and understanding. Many parents believe they can simply get in front of a judge and talk their way out of this situation through emotional appeals.

Unfortunately, this isn’t how the juvenile court works. You need a legal professional who has experience handling juvenile offense drug charge cases and who can be an advocate for protecting your son or daughter’s future.

Juvenile drug offense cases can be incredibly complicated and building your child’s defense can require extensive work and legal expertise. Take action today by calling a Dallas juvenile drug offense lawyer and give your child the best chance possible at receiving probation or community service and avoiding detention.

Aggressively Prosecuted Drug Offenses

In the state of Texas, juveniles are classified as children between the ages of 10 and 16. Once an individual reaches the age of 17, they are no longer considered juveniles, and if they are arrested for a crime, they can be tried as an adult. On the opposite end of the spectrum, children under the age of10 can’t be prosecuted for criminal actions because they aren’t considered mature enough to act with criminal intent.

Aside from offenses regarding the use of drugs like marijuana, cocaine, ecstasy, and heroin, the following drug offenses are likely to be aggressively prosecuted in Texas:

  • Drug possession
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Drug manufacturing/delivery
  • Drug trafficking/distribution
  • Drug-related DUIs

To convict a juvenile of a drug-related offense, the prosecution has to prove that the juvenile knowingly possessed the controlled substance in question without a legal reason such as a prescription. But proving possession of a controlled substance itself is not enough.

The prosecution must also prove the juvenile was in active possession, meaning they had the controlled substance in their hand, pocket, or anywhere else on their body. The prosecution also has to prove that the juvenile was aware of the controlled substance’s presence and that they had dominion or control over it.

With a charge of possession with intent to deliver, the prosecution can use a number of details like large amounts of cash, weapons, scales, and packing materials to strengthen their case.

Consequences of Drug Offenses

When a juvenile is charged with drug possession, distribution, or any other drug-related offense, the penalties for these crimes can be quite severe.

Even though the crimes are the same, the juvenile justice process is different from the criminal justice system.

Therefore, courts and judges handle these cases differently. Our Dallas legal team will work with you and with your child to either reduce or eliminate any charges leveled against them.

Some of the most common consequences of juvenile drug offenses include:

  • Drug counseling – In hopes of rehabilitating younger drug offenders, the juvenile court can order the offender and their parents to undergo drug counseling.
  • Probation – If a juvenile receives probation, they must comply with specific terms determined by the court for a determined length of time. Some common terms include attending school, finding or keeping a job, community service, and regularly reporting to a juvenile probation officer or court officer.
  • Diversion or informal probation – Typically for first-time offenders, and similar to probation, juveniles on diversion must also comply with court rules, except they aren’t required to go before the juvenile court. Once they successfully complete the program, charges against them are typically dismissed.
  • Detention – Detention for juveniles can include home confinement, placement with a foster family, juvenile home or detention center.

You need a Dallas juvenile drug offense lawyer in your corner who will work tirelessly to eliminate or reduce the charges against your child and ensure they avoid serious penalties, so call today and protect your child’s future.

Consult with a Dallas Juvenile Drug Offense Lawyer

At the Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter, our Dallas juvenile drug offense lawyers know how the charges against your son or daughter are likely to be prosecuted and, therefore, how best to defend against them.

Juvenile drug charges are extremely serious and could potentially destroy your child’s future if you don’t take immediate action and hire an attorney. Our legal team will thoroughly investigate every detail of your child’s case and work diligently to try to ensure that your child receives the least-damaging and least-permanent consequences possible.

To discuss the particulars of your child’s drug offense arrest with a Dallas juvenile charge defense attorney, please contact our office at (214) 845-7007 today.

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