Dallas Illegal Sale of a Weapon Defense Lawyer

The Lone Star State has some of America’s most relaxed gun laws, including the ability to defend one’s home and person during times where lives are in danger. But even with loose gun ownership and usage laws, there are limits to what types of weapons Texas will allow to be sold.

Texas law makes selling certain types of weaponry illegal. In fact, the consequences for selling unsanctioned weapons could land you in state jail for decades if your criminal record has similar charges or a history of violence on it.

Serving Dallas and neighboring communities for many years, the Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter fights for those accused of misdemeanor and felony crimes, including the illegal sale of a weapon. We uphold each defendant’s right to due process by forcing the state to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt, as is your right as a defendant. Don’t face allegations alone – contact our Dallas illegal weapon sale defense lawyers today at (214) 845-7007, and we’ll begin mounting your defense.

Main Office 3300 Oak Lawn Ave UNIT 701, Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 845-7007

Weapon Crimes in Texas

Texas’ lengthy Penal Code outlines what weapons are illegal to possess, sell, take through airport screening, and keep in your vehicle. In Texas, no person shall illegally own, brandish or make available for sale:

  • Explosive weapons, including IEDs;
  • Machine guns;
  • Short-barrel guns or long guns modified to short-barrel guns;
  • Zip guns;
  • Instruments designed to silence gun fire;
  • Devices that project chemical substances;
  • Brass knuckles;
  • Armor-piercing rounds of ammunition;
  • Knives with over 5 ½ inches of exposed blade;
  • Tire deflation devices like those capable of putting spikes in tires; and
  • Brass knuckles or similar objects designed to fit over fingers to strike persons with.

Any person that owns or illegally displays these weapons violates Section 46.05 of the Texas Penal Code, which is a third-degree felony. Felonies of the third degree carry state jail terms between 2 and 10 years, fines up to $10,000, and a possible lifetime ban on gun ownership.

Possessing or selling a tire deflation device is a state jail felony that carries up to 2 years confinement and $10,000 in fines. Carrying brass knuckles or knives with blades over 5 ½ are Class A misdemeanor offenses, punishable by 1 year in jail and $4,000 in fines.

Why You Need a Lawyer

Each defendant’s circumstance is unique in that charges may be lessened or dismissed based on evidence our firm is able to produce. Trying to gather proof and defend allegations without a criminal defense attorney can be a frustrating and often fruitless endeavor.

There are affirmative defenses which can be used to defend allegations made against you. For example, to the offense of illegal weapon sale, defendants may state:

  • The sale of a short-barrel gun or tire deflation device was legal as the weapons were considered antiques or curios under Texas law;
  • The sale of a tire deflation device or armor-piercing ammunition was to a government entity, correctional facility, or the National Guard.
  • Possessing a chemical dispensing device was lawful as the owner is a security officer who received training from state-approved facilities.
  • They share or cohabit in common space where another person committed the underlying offense without the defendant’s prior approval or knowledge.

With experienced representation from an attorney, your case stands a fighting chance at trial. Your defense team will force the prosecutor’s hand in producing overwhelming evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Without representation, innocent defendants often take ridiculous plea deals or end up losing at trial since they’re unfamiliar with courtroom procedures.

Another reason you need to retain paid representation is the “public defender factor.” While these court-appointed attorneys do wonderful work, they are often inundated with dozens of cases at once. Their goal is getting obvious flaws dismissed, or having their client plea out to charges they may be innocent of. They often have little time to spend on each client, meaning important details may easily be overlooked. Paid counsel affords defendants an advocate who can go in-depth with their case.

Why Hire the Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter?

For defendants accused of weapons crimes in Texas, you need the Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter on your side. Not only does our firm handle nothing but criminal cases, our lead attorney formerly worked at the Dallas County D.A.’s office, giving our firm a tactical advantage in every case we take. Add the discipline of an officer school candidate and tank gunner, and you’ll see why there’s few that look forward to opposing Mark T. Lassiter in court.

Every case is treated as “mission critical” at our firm. From small infractions to crimes carrying life in prison, this firm takes a hands-on approach to every case by collecting all the pertinent evidence and refuting every argument the prosecution intends on using against you.

Weapon Crime Cases We Handle

Not only will our firm fight cases where persons violated Concealed Handgun License rules, but we’re equipped to defend persons accused of:

  • Unlawful transfer of weapons;
  • Violations of prohibited weapons shown above;
  • Deadly weapons in penal institutions;
  • Illegal sale of a weapon;
  • Weapon crimes committed within designated school zones;
  • Making weapons accessible to minor children;
  • Smuggling firearms;
  • Unlawful possession of body armor by a felon;
  • Unlawful possession of firearms; and
  • Any weapons crime or violation under Texas Penal Code, Chapter 46.

If you’ve been accused of criminal activity with, or the illegal possession of, any weapon under Texas law, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. There are many weapons crimes not listed here that may land persons in trouble, even if they did not realize they were breaking a law.

Let Us Fight Your Illegal Weapons Charges

If you’ve been accused of illegal weapons sale in Texas, the Law Offices of Mark T. Lassiter is ready to help you defend your freedom and your future. For many years, our gun crimes attorneys have provided exceptional defense to weapons charges in Dallas County and surrounding areas.

From your arrest to your trial, we’re here to defend your right to a fair trial. If you or someone you love needs skilled criminal defense when charged with illegal sale of a weapon or any related crimes, contact our office today by calling (214) 845-7007.

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